Support The National Foundation of Patriotism

The National Foundation of Patriotism is a 501 c 3 nonprofit organization that has been sustained for over 27 years on the generous donations from supporters like you. Gifts directly support operations, communications, events and the preservation of American history.

The National Foundation of Patriotism works to remind all of us that we are still Americans. We share more common ground that we do division. We care deeply about preserving our heritage, our history and our rights under our founding documents.

Throughout the history of America, we have survived constant threats to our freedom. And, we have survived them all. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to our men and women in the Armed Forces as well as first responders who sacrifice every day for our health, well-being, safety and freedom. And we honor the God of all creation who has blessed us and promises to continue to bless us as we look to Him for direction and guidance. We take hold of His powerful promise and encourage people to aspire to it everyday:

Your gift inspires patriotism in action, help us raise awareness of the meaning, message and mission of patriotism and what it means in the daily lives of our citizens!

One-time & Monthly Donations

Your generous one-time donation enables us to continue to promote patriotism through honoring our nations heroes, support for teachers who teach American History in the classroom, and present a comprehensive body of information through our website, books, public speaking engagements, events, blogs, newsletters and podcasts.


Annual Donation

The National Foundation of Patriotism is proud to have so many annual supporters who make major donations at the end of each year that enable us to continue to educate, inspire and encourage positive patriotic endeavors throughout the year.


Legacy Donation

The National Foundation of Patriotism is proud to have a 27-year history of generous patriots, many of whom have named us as benefactors. Our proud Legacy Donors are vital to our sustainability and growth. America’s future depends on our decisions today. Please consider what legacy you would like to leave for future generations.

Legacy donors will be guided through the process of naming The National Foundation of Patriotism as benefactors.


Sponsorship Donation

The National Foundation of Patriotism invites you to join our sponsors in support of:

  • Our Mindful Patriot Newsletter
  • The Unify U.S. Podcast or blog post
  • The creation of a new online exhibit

Sponsorship donations include placement of logos and sponsor placements across all sponsored assets.

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